Agustinus Agustinus, Marta Mettang


This study delves into the intriguing world of "To Pembuni," a revered and enigmatic figure in the beliefs of the Nosu people. "To Pembuni" is known for its hidden nature and mystical traits. Using a nuanced approach through phenomenological research, the goal is to deeply understand the rich experiences and beliefs of the vibrant Nosu community about "To Pembuni." The findings reveal a dual existence of "To Pembuni" in both the real world of Nosu and a unique ethereal realm. This enigmatic presence is believed to occasionally take human form or inhabit dwellings. Its origin stems from regular community members seeking solace from heavy taxation by retreating into the forest. A key highlight is the deep respect and warm connection the Nosu people share with "To Pembuni," showcasing their profound rapport. An interesting theme is the intricate relationship between safeguarding the environment and the mystical bond between the Nosu and "To Pembuni," highlighting the interconnectivity of all life. Additionally, the study introduces the depths of mystical theology through the lens of William Johnston, an erudite Irish Jesuit scholar. Johnston's perspective portrays mystical theology as a discipline revealing esoteric wisdom gained through divine communion, with love as the guiding force. In conclusion, this research offers insights into mystical experiences and their impact on beliefs, underscoring the need for environmental preservation. It invites further exploration of mysticism as a path to harmoniously connect with the divine, championing love and compassion for all creation, echoing William Johnston's mystical theology.


mystical experiences, mystical theology, nosu community, To Pembuni, william johnston

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31969/alq.v29i2.1332


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